Author: kaitech

Dog’s Name and Age: Bumper and Echo, 8 years Adoption Story: I located Echo on After making the visitation arrangements on the phone I drove to rural Utah where I discovered she had a brother. Of course, I had to bring him home with us, especially after I was told he would likely be euthanized. I named him Bumper because he was constantly bumping into me and Echo looks a bit like my dog who preceded her, so Echo was a good fit. Echo loves playing ball and Bumper loves chasing her when she is going after the ball. They…

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Dog’s Name and Age: Traveler, 4 years Adoption Story: I had three dogs. Two died within a short time (one at 10 from hemangiosarcoma, the other from old age at 18), leaving the last dog by herself. I was okay with one dog, thinking we would have more one on one time. But I looked at her and knew. She was okay with me alone, but she’s a dog who likes a party. So, I set out to adopt a dog. When I met Traveler, he told me his name. At first, he said it was called Captain Fantastic, but then…

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I hope that through my book, Africa’s Wild Dogs, that I can share my passion and knowledge of the wild dogs’ story with animal lovers worldwide. Animals everywhere, I believe, deserve a deeper and greater respect than they currently receive. What’s in a name? The African wild dog is an animal that goes by many names – African painted dogs, painted wolves, African hunting dogs, Cape hunting dogs and more. Generally, people in Africa refer to them as African wild dogs, while the international community know them as painted wolves. So, is it a dog or a wolf? The scientific…

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The first time you put your new best friend in your vehicle is an exciting moment. It’s also a moment to think about her safety, not just on this first trip, but ongoing. Over the years, the two of you will no doubt share many a car ride, so if possible, it’s good to start as you mean to go on. For guidance, consider what our canine behavior expert sees as the pros and cons of each method. My social media feed is full of dogs (that’s why I still love social media!) and more than ever, I’m seeing tons…

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Audrey Ruple loves Great Danes so much that, while in the middle of Texas on a family vacation in 2012, she made the decision to get another one. “We were lucky that we had a vehicle large enough to hold an extra passenger,” says Ruple, recalling how Bitzer, a purebred Great Dane that eventually grew to 140 pounds, came to live with her family. Despite the rocky trip back to Colorado, he became rather mellow and the go-to animal for cuddles and chuckles. “He was the best dog. He was my heart dog,” Ruple says. Bitzer recently died after living…

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We buried Russell out at the end of the dunes, where he always headed when off-leash. The digging was good, all sand, a bit damp, which helped avoid cave-ins. I got him good and deep, well away from any critters who might dig for him and succumb to the drugs that had been used to euthanize him. I took his collar off to free him on his journey, but replaced it with his tracking collar. I don’t know why I did this. I don’t think straight all the time. When my parents died and the house we grew up in…

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To teach your dog tricks even easy ones you need to have some small reward treats, be in a quiet suitable place and keep the training sessions to 10 – 15 minutes or your dog will start to get board, remember when he gets something right lots of praise and a reward treat, just be careful not to get him over excited or he will loose concentration. Getting your dog to give you his paw, first get your dog to sit, then as you say the word ‘paw’ take your dogs paw in your hand, give the dog a treat,…

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